Monday, June 15, 2009

Family Reunions

I am so thankful for family reunions. I think they are so important. And I believe they are even more important now that both our parents are gone.

As long as mom was alive, we all heard from one another through her. She was our "hub". Now it just seems harder to "keep up". And I for one miss that. I miss knowing what everyone is doing, how everyone is feeling, where folks are moving, who's having the babies and when, where everyone is going for vacations. I miss praying specifically for someone's ailment, someone's traveling, someone's hardship, someone's big move, etc. I miss not getting to hear all the special blessings each family has that I will never get to know about, because at the time of the excitement, the phone call never gets made to our "hub" so the good news will be spread.

Mom always wanted us to tone down the activities and just visit. It took her passing for me to realize the importance of this. Now I hunger for the visiting, catching up on all the news, bringing the memories up and rehashing them, making new memories, shedding a tear and laughing till our sides hurt. Enjoying the activities, seeing how much the children have much to take in - in one short weekend. Strengthening my bonds with my siblings, my nieces and nephews. Getting reacquainted with my great nieces and nephews and meeting some for the first time.

It will be another year now till we have another reunion. And I for one am sure looking forward to it.

Gratitude: My extended family (all 100+ of you). And for family reunions.

Prayer: Safe keeping for all my family in the following year. Please take care of them, I love them all.


Kalyn Gensic said...

Wish I could've been there. Next year it should be in Kentucky. A destination reunion!

Anonymous said...

Yes, family reunions are fun and the worship service was so special this year. Looking forward to next year, too.

Anonymous said...

Well, I forgot to sign my comment, but it was me, Barbara