Sunday, March 22, 2009

What a Wonderful Week

Both of my kids were on spring break this past week. And they both came home. I was a happy momma.

It all started last Friday night with JC coming in. I always greet them with an standing ovation out on the steps when they come in. I am just so excited, and when I see their car pull up, I can't help it - I just go out and start clapping. But I did not see his car pull up, so I missed getting to give him his standing ovation. Dad had gone to pick up supper that we had ordered and I thought it was him coming in the door. I am sorry son, I know you missed this.

Then Saturday, Kalyn and Gus pull in to - their standing ovation, Dad smiling from ear to ear and Bro shaking his head. We were greeted with barking from Gus and big hugs from our beautiful daughter, and a sigh of thankfulness from us all that she had made the 15 hour drive safely.

The only thing that could have made the week better was to have had our missing link here. BJ we missed you.

Our week was full. We went through boxes of Grandma Pierce's stuff. Lots and lots of papers and pictures and a few knick-knack's. We went shopping, we cooked together, ate together, walked, played games. We had a few tears and lots of laughs. Lots of memories and good story telling from Dad.

Here are a few of my memories from the last week:

I was out buying groceries and a friend came up to me and said, "Loveta, you looked confused." I smiled and said, "I am." It is hard to prepare three meals a day when one (me) is on Weight Watchers, one (Kalyn) watches calories and low fat, one (JC) gave up meat for Lent (yes, this little church of Christ family does Lent, the discipline is good, stay focused - don't knock it, try it). We actually did very well on all three accounts.

Going through Grandma Pierce's stuff brought back lots of memories. She was a very "colorful" lady. She was and is a very big part of our lives.
She was a great babysitter for JC and Kalyn. We found pictures they had drawn and named. We found "rules" for the little towns they would build on the dining room table. (it is amazing some of the stuff they came up with - to see the list go to JC's blog) We found a "cease fire" letter signed by Secretary of State, President and VP - aka Kalyn, JC and Grandma Bessie Pierce. It was simply written, "Please cease fire." We found a newspaper with "Dear Blabby" aka JC. We found some old school papers. JC got angry at one of his teachers because she had marked one wrong (in his opinion). Kalyn told him to get over it, that was 18 years ago and he did pass on to third grade!

We went to San Angelo shopping one day. (BJ, we knew this would have been a miserable day for you as you do not enjoy shopping - but thank you for helping us decide where to eat!) We have always enjoyed shopping together. It was a great day.

On Thursday night, Kalyn wanted to celebrate her Daddy's birthday as she would not be here for the real day. So she made a delicious supper - eggplant parmesan, fresh green beans and an orange pound cake with ice cream. She gave him gifts. It was perfect.

We love playing games. We love playing "Ticket to Ride", it is a board game - we own the German version. I came in last place every game we played but one - that one I came in third. But I love this game. We also played "Rummykub." I love that game also. And I won one of them!

Goodbyes are very hard for me. I cried Friday morning as I told Kalyn goodbye. I cried Saturday morning as I watched by son drive off. I cry now as I write this paragraph. But as hard as goodbyes are, they are way worth it when you have such beautiful times together.

Gratitude: Thank God, for this past week. For the safe trips my kids had. For all the good times we had.

Prayer: That we will get to have more good times like these in the years to come.


Kalyn Gensic said...

My favorite memory from the week was finding out that we had gun control in our little town. Dad brain-washed us so incredibly early.

John Pierce said...

I do like Mommy's little hopping standing ovations. Not everyone gets that, I know. My favorite moment was probably just about the same one as Kalyn's. Y'all raised us from an early age to be awfully weird, I'm afraid.

Anonymous said...

Oops! You accidentally left out a sentence. Maybe the "Blog Demon" stole it. Here's what you left out...

"Before we went shopping in San Angelo, we all stopped by to see Lon, Barbara, and Brenda. Brenda was still in her PJ's when we arrived, but was still the best looking one there. She is also my favorite neice, and gave birth to my favorite great-neice. Man I'm gonna cry when she leaves."

Anonymous said...

Thank you Brenda for correcting me. I forgot to get that all in there. Love you, Aunt Vete