Monday, September 7, 2009

Two Great Minds Think Alike or Caught In The Middle?

My family has gotten a good laugh over this little incident that happened last week.

I read The Pioneer Woman blog everyday. I absolutely love it. It makes me happy and always puts a smile on my face. Kalyn also reads her blog and has cooked several of her recipes. The Pioneer Woman has been writing a cookbook and I, like all her other followers, have been reading about her whole process and looking forward to the day it would be finished.

The other day I clicked on to have my daily reading and the title is "It is Finished". Yes, she has finished the cookbook. I called JC, " Would you please do me a favor?"

JC: Sure, lady, what?

Me: Go to Pioneer Woman blog and I'll show you.

(Now keep in mind - I have done this to him often. I show him things on Pioneer Woman AND I always call him and get him to do my internet ordering for me. He is such a good son to put up with my funny quirks.)

JC: OK, I'm there.

Me: Look she has finished her cookbook! I am so excited! Please click on and preorder me two of the books. One for me and one for Kalyn for Christmas.

JC: Ok, I will.

Now, the next day - I am still so excited about all this and I am talking to JC on the phone. "Did you get my cookbooks ordered, I do not want them to sell out?"

JC: laughingly says "No I did not."

Me: What? Why not?

JC: Mom, I was just about to finish the order and Kalyn called and said "Bro, the Pioneer Woman has finished her cookbook and she will be in Austin for a book signing. You HAVE got to go to Austin for me and get one of the books signed for Mom for Christmas."

So he click on cancel. Started laughing. Told Kalyn what he had been doing and said, "I am just going to tell both of you and I will go to Austin and get both of you a signed cookbook."

JC, sorry we put you in the middle.

Kalyn, thank you for thinking of this absolutely wonderful idea for my Christmas gift. I can't wait to get it, I know it is going to be wonderful. I will also enjoy giving you yours!

Gratitude: Blogs.

Prayer: That my children will continue to always love me - even with my funny quirks.


John Pierce said...

Yes, I had to tell. It was going to be impossible to keep it a secret that I was buying you each the same cookbook from the other one. Y'all need to quit doing this to me. Start thinking more alike.....

Kalyn Gensic said...

I can't wait for that Christmas gift!

Anonymous said...

You guys are adorable! Deborah