Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goals for 2010

For the past several years I have set myself some goals for the New Year. I have typed them up and framed them and put them in my bedroom so that I can read them often and try to "better myself" throughout the year. I have not always achieved all of them, but it has kept me more focused on the things I would like to do.

Last year I was setting my framed goals on my desk and said to JC, "Look at my goals for 2009."
His response, "about the same as always." Well, he did not know that this little comment sorta hit a nerve with me. Not a bad nerve, just got me to thinking that maybe I was in a rut. I have thought about it off and on all year.

So, I made a big mistake the other day and talked to JC about the 2009 goals and I said, "You and your sister need to help me set some goals for 2010." Now, I was serious - they found this as a great opportunity to "really help" their mother.

Here is a list of the goals they typed up of me. I will comment on each of them after I list them.

2010 Goals set by JC and Kalyn for their mother:

1. Run marathon in December
2. Learn to play a lute
3.Have less gas
4. Read In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan
5. Wear more clothes next year
6.Get a dog
7. Do not boss Dad around so much
8. Become Mayor of Menard
9. Move my children two or three times
10. Come out of the closet: You're a democrat. You should consider going before the church.
11. WW lifetime member
12.Monthly Craft Goal
13. Weekly blog post
14. Read in the Bible every day
15. Walk 3 times a week, Lift weights or do abs lounger two times a week
16. Cook one new recipe a week

My response:

1. I cannot walk three miles with out hurting, how can I possible run 26 miles!
2. I do not know what a lute is, so why would I want to learn to play one!
3. I am a lady I do not discuss the subject of #3.
4. I will, I will, I will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. The reasoning behind this is because I am so cold natured, not because I do not properly dress. I agree I need to wear thicker fabrics or layer - but I hate the "closed" in feeling.
6. Never! Abby is all I need in the animal department. Grand doggies are enough for me.
7. I do not boss Dad now, Don't know what you are talking about.
8. I hated being on City council, will not ever even think about Mayor.
9. Do not want to think about this, it makes my body sore.
10. I do not do politics, hate them. I am staying in the closet and would appreciate everyone respecting my decision and leave me alone on that subject.
11 - 17. YES, YES, YES I will try to accomplish.

Oh boy, some of their ideas - makes me wonder what I was thinking to ask for their help! The one thing I have to be thankful for is they did not get BJ's input! No telling what he would have added.

Really, though, I do like some of the ideas and later I will post my real 2010 list of goals.


Brenda said...

1. Don't you just love your kids?

2. What is ESTBS?

Love you and am so glad I got to see all of you over Christmas!


Anonymous said...

ESTBS is her new diet to help her achieve #1 and #11.

ESTBS = Eat Sugar, Tacos, Butter, (and) Snickerdoodles