Sunday, September 19, 2010

It's Getting Close

I was sitting in church today and all of a sudden it hit me - sorta like a light bulb moment.

Tomorrow is the 20th of September.

October 20th is just ONE month away.

In ONE month I will be a grandmother. (Good Lord willing and everything is on time, of course)

All of a sudden my eyes were filled with tears, this is going to be big. This is going to be exciting.

I am so excited. I am a little nervous.

It has been a long time since this little family of mine has had a baby. Wow, we are going to have a baby, a precious baby. Wow.

I have always loved little yellow rubber ducky's. And I have a few in one of my bathrooms. I have always thought how much fun I would have with a little grandchild at bath time playing with the rubber ducky's. And now it will not be that long until I will actually get to have this pleasure.

The other day I was in the grocery store waiting to check out and there they had the cutest little green rubber frogs - the same size as my little yellow rubber ducky's, and only 99 cents. I had to have them - what fun my grand baby and I would have with ducky's and froggy's!

The excitement is building for all of us. Every conversation is built around this child. We can't hardly wait. The mom, the dad, the grandparents, Uncle Bro, Auntie and Uncle Finch, we are waiting and ready.

Oh, and also - the ducky's and froggy's................

My prayer: A safe and healthy delivery for Kalyn and baby. (and BJ!)


Anonymous said...

Oh, what a thrill....there is none other like it....birth is truly one of God's will experience a new and rewarding love, like no other.....enjoy and cherish each moment....Love, Dee Money

Anonymous said...

It is getting close and I am excited for you all. What a blessed baby he is to be coming into such a loving family!! Love, Barbara