Saturday, January 19, 2013

Wow, How Time Does Fly

I can not believe that it has been almost two years since I have done any blogging.  It's not because I have not had any thing to say or that I have not had any subjects to write about.  I guess it was partly laziness, partly busyness.  The biggest reason was my old computer.  It was so slow and aggravating that I sort of lost interest in writing. 

This past Thanksgiving we purchased a new computer and the kids set it up for me.  We are really enjoying it.  John and I are both enjoying learning more and more on it.

Since my last post my family has grown.  I have a precious new daughter-in-law, Stephanie and granddaughter, Lydia.  My most prized procession on the earth is my family and it just keeps getting bigger and better.  I will be writing about them more in later posts.

This past Christmas John Carol and Stephanie came to stay with us a few days.  As the first child often does he started telling me things I ought to do. (The first born is always the bossy one, right?)
Anyway, he said that I needed to get back to blogging and I agreed.  Although I do find it funny that my last post was May, 2011 and his last blog post was February 1.2010. 

He also signed me up for Goodreads.  He has been telling me I needed to do this for some time now.  But this time he was setting at my computer and was typing away while explaining to me that we were in the process of signing me up for Goodreads.  Me:  "Oh, okay."  Stephanie standing near by says "My mom is getting signed up also". 

While I am getting signed up for Goodreads he says "okay, mom, now how many books are you going to read this year. What is your goal?"  Now, he is very serious about this, he read 89 books last year.  Stephanie read 60 books last year.  I think I read two last year.  Ugh.  I do not know what was wrong with me last year, but I read magazines and not books.  All year!  So my goal is twelve books.  That is one a month.  I think I can handle that. 

For 2013 I am also planning to try a new recipe each  month.  John and I have gotten so bored with the same things we eat all the time.  We are in a rut.  So we are going to try and branch out.  I hope to remember to take a picture of the new dish and post a blog on this subject also. 

So, for me, 2013 is looking busy.  I plan to blog, read, cook, enjoy my family. 

It is shaping up to be a fun filled, blessed year.


Allison Knutson said...

I'm glad you're blogging again! You're in my google news feed and I always liked reading what you had to say. :) - Allie B

Stephanie said...

I loved this! You made me smile and laugh several times. I especially enjoyed the gentle jab about my husband's lack of blogging. :) I can't wait to read more!