Friday, February 15, 2013

Listening to Shepherd

We have been with our grand-babies for the past few days and, as always, it has been much fun.  Every time we see them it amazes us how much they have changed.  Lydia is growing, turning over, cooing, smiling, squealing and she is just so sweet and precious.

Shepherd has grown and he is talking up a storm.  It is so much fun to just sit and listen to Shepherd.  He has a lot to say.  One of the funniest things about Shepherd talking is how dramatic he is.  Here are some of my favorite memories of Shepherd talking these past few days:

One day Kalyn was going to church with Cary Gay.  I walked outside to show Cary Gay Lydia.  Pap had Shepherd and Shepherd started whining "Oh no, Mamm and Pap", John said, " Shep, I am right here and Mamm is coming right back".  Then, he noticed his Mommy leaving "OH NO, MOMMY!" Then started crying until we got in the house.

Kalyn:  "Shepherd you need to cooperate."
Shep:  "Can't cop-er-rate now."

We took him down to the park and every time he heard a vehicle cross the bridge he would look up and say what it was - "truck", "truck", "truck", "school bus".  He was right.

We went down to the river and he would climb up the hill to get rocks to throw in the river.  As he would start running back to the river his eyes would get big, a smile come up on his face and he would say "Run in the river!"  He almost made it a couple of times too, before I could catch him.

Lydia was on a pallet and I had given her toys to play with.  He took them away one at a time and each time he would say "no share".

One day he was soooooooooooo sad that he was having to go take a nap.  That bottom lip was out as far as it could go and his eyes were sad.  I said, "Shepherd, Mommy will read you "Ole King Cole" (his favorite book here at Mamm's house). He said in the saddest voice you have ever heard "was a merry ole soul".

Giving him a bath I said "Let's count the froggies.  One, two, three."
Shep:  "Uno, dos, tres". None of us knew he could count in Spanish.

His imagination is amazing.  We were letting him play in the mud.  He was having the best time.  Very happy little boy.  All of a sudden he told me "crock-a-doll-doo".  I said "what? a crocodile?" "A crock-a-doll-doo." Then he saw it's "eye", talked about the "ocean" and "rhinos"!

He informed us that Abby (the cat) has "sharp teeth - like a dragon".

Right before we left to go to Abilene he had this conversation with his Mother:

Kalyn: (looking at a picture)  "Who is that?"
Shep:  "Un Bro. Un Bro is really, really tall.
Kalyn: " He is really tall"
Shep:   "Like a volcano"
Kalyn:  "Volcanos are tall".
Shep:  " Volcanos are really, really hot".

(As Kalyn was telling us this in the car, at the end Shep spoke up and said "and smoky".)

Yes, this little boy kept us busy and laughing.  I could spend all day just listening to him.

Here is a couple of pictures of him in the mud, with his dragon hat  - that he put on himself.  So precious.

What a fun week.


Stephanie said...

Shepherd should come teach my 4th graders how to write similes! He seems to come up with them naturally. :)

Kalyn Gensic said...

That kid is soooo funny. Like a comedian.