Monday, January 26, 2009

BJ, Let's Play a Game!

A couple of post back I said that I would be writing on the three men in my daily life in the next three posts. So I wrote one on my dear son and then one on my dear husband. Next in line - my dear son-in-law. Just like the first two entries in this "series" I can say again "I love this guy". God blessed us with a wonderful son-in-law. He "fits".

This little memory I am going to write about is probably not exactly what he would like for me to put down in writing, but it cracks me up. It was so funny and of course I need to write it down so I will never forget it. I need one of these stories floating around in my mind so if I need something to throw out at him from time to time it will be there!

B.J. is a big game player. He loves playing games and our family has always played games. It is good fun family time. One of the first few times he came to our home with Kalyn we sat down to play. We were playing card games and things were going well, UNTIL he had a bad hand. He threw his cards down, in anger, on the table and I was shocked and my eyes bugged out and I started shaking (okay I didn't start shaking, but I want this to sound really good!). All of a sudden he got a funny little grin on his face and looked at what he was thinking might be his future in-laws?! He said something like this, "Oh no, what did I just do. I sometimes take games serious." John and I cracked up. Kalyn started grinning and then burst out laughing. B.J. went on to explain that his family really does take game playing really serious. We are very competitive also - we understood. We still let him in the family! And we are glad he is around.

I wish he was here right now, we would play a game.

Gratitude: B.J. - I am truly thankful for my daughter's spouse.

Prayer: I pray that we will get to play many more games together and make many more happy memories. (and an equally good daughter-in-law someday).

1 comment:

Kalyn Gensic said...

I don't know that "dear" is a word often used as an adjective in association with BJ.