Thursday, April 2, 2009

I Cried In J.C.Penny's

Anyone who knows me knows I have always been an emotional person. It does not take much to get the tears to rolling. Happy or sad tears. Here is one of my latest episodes.

When the kids were home for spring break we went to San Angelo shopping one day. This has always been a favorite pass time of ours. All four of us love getting out and even if we do not have the funds to buy anything all four of us love to look. My favorite son-in-law does not share this passion with us, so since he was not able to come with Kalyn we decided to go to San Angelo one day that we had together.

We went to the mall. When we were in Penny's I told Kalyn that I wanted to just try on a size smaller pant. I picked out a pair, went to the dressing room, slipped them on, I was able to hook them and zip them up. I was not uncomfortable, I stepped out to show Kalyn. She said that they looked good. I said, "Kalyn, I have not been able to fit in this size in over 25 years." Tears filled my eyes. It was exciting.

No one knows how hard it is to lose weight unless they have had to do it.

For me, it is the hardest job on earth.

No, I am not small - I have a long ways to go. But I am happy with the success I have had to this point.

Gratitude: I am so thankful for the support my boss (and friend) has given me on this journey. It has made it so much more fun and easier.

Prayer: That I can continue to stay focused on my goal until I reach it.


John Pierce said...

I happen to be rather proud of my Mommy, too.

Anonymous said...

That is definitely worth a cry! Congrats!

Kalyn Gensic said...

I'm so proud of you! All the hard work is paying off!!!

Kalyn Gensic said...

do another post. i'm bored.