Saturday, January 10, 2009

An English Major for a Son

Men. I have lots of men in my life - husband, son, son-in-law, brothers, bro-in-laws, uncles, nephews, friends. I love them all. The next three posts I do are going to be dedicated to the three men in my daily life, my son, husband and son-in-law.

We will start with my son. My first born. God could not have been kinder to me. I love this kid. He has brought me lots of happiness. And very little pain.

As he has gotten older, he has become very much more opinionated and is very verbal with his opinions - unlike his mother. I agree with most of these opinions, but not all. And that is okay, that is what makes the world go round.

I think he is funny in some ways. I really had a hard time agreeing to this blogging stuff. I really did not think I had that much to say and I am not that good of a writer. When you have an English major son who will be reading your blog, it makes a person sorta nervous about writing. You know you will be graded on everything you write. I write like I talk. I use lots of dashes and commas where I probably shouldn't. And my spelling is pretty good, but again I tend to spell like I talk also. And I talk Texan.

The English major in him can over look a lot his mother does, but there is a time and a point when he just feels the need to straighten his ole mom out. This happened this last week. I got a email and noticed right away it was from J.C., I always get excited getting a good email from family members. So I am excited, I open my mail and it says, " Mom, just thought I might mention that you are spelling a word wrong in your lastest blogs." Yep, he could not stand it, the English Major in him had to come out, grade his Mother, let her know. Straighten her out.

At least he did it in an email for only me to see and not a comment on my blog for all to see. And yes, I have corrected my errors, like a good student.

Gratitude: I am thankful for my son.

Prayer: That he will always be kind in pointing out my errors.


John Pierce said...

I'll give you an A on this one Mother.

Kalyn Gensic said...

"very little pain"...??? Do you not remember all the times he has purposefully pushed me into you causing us both pain?