Saturday, January 17, 2009

Little Debbie's Don't Count

I do not know if I can tell this story as good as it really happened. It may be one of those moments when you "needed to be there". But anyway I am going to try. Here goes.

My boss and I started Weight Watchers a couple of weeks ago together. She wanted to start and I was planning on restarting after the new year, so we are going on this journey together. Both of our husbands were excited about this because they both need to shed a few pounds also. In WW you count points. So on the morning after we had signed up I started writing everything down that I put in my mouth. I started a separate list for John. He gets a few more "points" than I do because he is a man and is more active on his job.

We had breakfast and then off to work we went. At lunch, I wrote down the coffee with creamer that I had had and my 16 more ozs. of water I had drank and then I looked over at John and asked, "Honey, what have you had since we left for work this morning?" He turned and looked me straight in the eye with a glare and said, "We are NOT counting my Little Debbie that I have every morning." I doubled over laughing and asked, "Why not?, You had a Little Debbie?" John - "I lost weight last time having my Little Debbie and I will not count it!"

He meant business.

I do not count his Little Debbie's.

Besides, it's one of the lower calorie ones he did inform me.

Gratitude: I am thankful for a husband who will eat what I put in front of him, even diet food, without ever complaining. He does support me. And I am thankful for the pleasure Little Debbie's bring my dear husband.

Prayer: Please help with my will power and help me to reach goal this year.


Anonymous said...

I'm doing the Weight Watcher's thing. I don't think Jolly Ranchers count either.

Kalyn Gensic said...

I feel sorry for daddy. He sounds hungry when I talk to him on the phone.