Sunday, March 29, 2009

"She Was a Sweetie"

I went with John to his heart doctor appointment this past week and as we were leaving the examining room there right in front of me sat Donna.

Donna was mother's heart doctors nurse. We got to "know" each other over the years as I would take Mom to her appointments and many times I called her on the phone to ask a question when I would get worried about Mom or needed help with her medicines. Doctors and nurses have so many patients you just do not expect them to remember you, especially after two years. But Donna's face lit up and she smiled. I smiled back and said hi. She got up and came around the desk and asked how I was doing. I said good. She asked if that was my husband with me and I told her yes that he was seeing Dr. Burger and everything seems to be going good. She looked me in the eye and said "You're really doing okay?" Knowing her meaning I said, " Yes, I miss her so much."

Donna said, "She was a sweetie."

"Yes, she was a sweetheart - my best friend."

Gratitude: I am thankful that sweetie was my mother.

Prayer: I pray that when I die I will have lived the life that even after years of passing, my doctor's nurse will still remember me and say "she was a sweetie."


Anonymous said...

I miss her too. Infact I planted lantana in a bucket I took from her house today. It was a metal bucket that had hay in it with a chicken and some eggs...I told Marsh about it today! I still think of her often and miss her dearly! Love ya, Haylee

Kalyn Gensic said...

I've been missing her lately, also (for obvious reasons).